STAR Atlas:PRO frequently asked questions - FAQs

These two combined FAQ's describe features that support the Argo Navis Digital Telescope Computer from partner companyWildcard Innovations.

STAR Atlas:PRO displays the following information from the Argo Navis.

Argo Navis Internal Temperature (C and F).
Encoder Step Positions.
Internal Date and Time.
User Catalogue Information.

In addition, the viewer may download celestial objects stored in STAR Atlas:PRO's Observation Planner into the Argo Navis User Catalogue memory. Then the Argo Navis can be taken out for observing, where it then has access to all of the objects you've stored in the Observation Planner.The viewer may also print a list of the objects downloaded into the Argo Navis for easy reference.

How Do I display the Argo Navis Internal Temperature & Encoder Step Positions ?

1. Open Star Atlas: PRO.
2. Turn on the Argo Navis and ensure that there is a connection to the computer.  (There may be a short delay for the connection to complete).
3. Choose [Scope] from the main floating menu.
4. Note that this will not work if the Argo Navis is not properly connected and after a short delay, a message to this effect will appear.
5. Once connected, click on [Argo Navis Panel] from the Scope Control Toolbar (menu).
6. The Argo Navis Panel window then appears automatically and displays the Internal Unit Temperature, Altitude and Azimuth Encoder Step Positions and Internal Date and Time after a brief interval. The values displayed are for the current instant and are updated if you click the [Refresh] button.

Note: the command buttons are disabled whenever communications between STAR Atlas: PRO and the Argo Navis are in progress.

I�ve Stored Dozens of Objects in the Observation Planner, Can I Download Them into my Argo Navis� ?

�Yes� and this is a great addition to complement the use of the Argo Navis. It significantly adds to viewing pleasure being able to easily track down all the celestial object stored in STAR Atlas:PRO's Observation Planner. See FAQ: How do I add objects to the Observation Planner ?

8. Following on from above: -
9. Choose the [Export] button to start the download process.
10. The following the instructions that are displayed by STAR Atlas: PRO, which tell the viewer how to setup the Argo Navis so that it is ready to accept the download of objects from STAR Atlas: PRO (the lower part of the STAR Atlas: PRO screen contains the Argo Navis User Catalogue command section, each command is explained in the following table).
11. [Download Objects from Star Atlas: Pro�s Observation Planner into the Argo Navis User Catalogue]. Click [Yes].
12. The program warns the viewer to set up the Argo Navis as follows: -

a. On the Argo Navis turn to [Mode Setup].
b. Push [Enter].
c. Turn to [Setup Load Cat].
d. Push [Enter]. The
e. Argo Navis message then says [Load Catalogue � Ready].

13. Now return to the Star Atlas: PRO desktop and click [Yes].
14. The Star Atlas: PRO [Argo Navis User Catalogue] goes blank while the data is being downloaded.
15. When the download process is finished the [Argo Navis User Catalogue] shows data which indicates how much data has been downloaded and this includes the number of entries from the Observation Planner which have been successfully transferred (see below).
16. Click [Close] and the transfer is complete.
17. To find the data in the Argo Navis and ensure a successful transfer: -

a. Switch the Argo Navis off.
b. Then turn it on again.
c. Turn to [Mode Catalogue].
d. Push [Enter].
e. Turn to [User Objects].
f. Push [Enter].
g. The objects you have entered can now be displayed by turn in the wheel � the objects from the last download are the only ones in the memory.

Argo Navis User Catalogue commands in STAR Atlas:PRO.

The following commands are found on the Argo Navis control panel and provide the user with functions associated with downloading the objects from STAR Atlas:PRO's Observation Planner into the Argo Navis. Each command is described following: -

Command Description
[Export]   Downloads all objects from the STAR Atlas:PRO Observation Planner into the Argo Navis User Catalogue.
[Print]   Prints a list of the objects downloaded to the Argo Navis User Catalogue.
[Preview]   Preview a list of the objects downloaded into the Argo Navis User Catalogue.
[Refresh]   Updates the displayed User Catalogue values (described in next table).
[Purge]   Removes all objects from the User Catalogue in the Argo Navis.

Displayed User Catalogue Statistics.

Upon completion of downloading objects into the Argo Navis, the following values are displayed: -

Displayed Values Description
Free User Catalogue Memory (bytes)   The number of bytes of available in the Argo Navis User Catalogue Pool.
Argo Navis User Catalogue (count)   The number of celestial objects present into the Argo Navis User Catalogue.
Observation Planner (count)   The number of celestial objects present in STAR Atlas: PRO's Observation Planner.

by Ian Buttfield

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Argo Navis is a trademark of Wildcard Innovations.