STAR Atlas:PRO frequently asked questions - FAQs

How do I setup the Telescope Driver Options - COM: port, Baud rate ?

The Telescope Driver Options permit you to adjust certain communications settings that may assist you in fine tuning telescope communications. Following is how to access the driver options, followed by a description of each setting.

To access the Telescope Driver Options :-

1. Start STAR Atlas:PRO
2. click [Chart Prefs] from the main menu - or E on the keyboard
3. click [Program Settings and Configuration] - or Alt-S on keyboard
4. click [Telescope Setup] (bottom centre) - or T on the keyboard


1. Click the [Options] button from the Scope Control menu.



This is the device name of the RS-232C Serial Port on your computer (usually COM1: or COM2:)

Baud Rate

This is the rate at which information is exchanged between computer and telescope and may be set between 1200 and 38400. This value must match the same Baud Rate setting of your Telescope.


Parity should nearly always be set to NONE, as few telescope drivers use Parity, however check your telescope manufacturer's information if you are unsure. This value must match the same Parity setting of your Telescope.

Data Bits

The number of Data Bits in the protocol ( normally set to 8 for most telescope drivers ). This value must match the same Data Bits setting of your Telescope.

Stop Bits

The number of Stop Bits in the protocol ( normally set to 1 for most telescope drivers ). This value must match the same Stops Bits setting of your Telescope.

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