STAR Atlas:PRO frequently asked questions - FAQs

What can I learn about Comets in STAR Atlas:PRO ?

How often do I need to download Comet Orbital Elements into STAR Atlas:PRO ?
You should download this data regularly if you are a regular Comet watcher. A recommended frequency would be at least once per month, however if your observations are critical you may wish to download the latest Comet Orbital Elements prior to your observations, thereby ensuring the most precise positions.

How do I download Comet Orbital Elements to STAR Atlas: PRO ?
The Comet Orbital Elements data is made freely available by the Minor Planetary Centre and published on the Internet. You may download the comet data automatically, whilst STAR Atlas: PRO Standard Edition Version 6 users can download the comet data semi-automatically.

To download comet orbital elements data; -

1. Open STAR Atlas:PRO ( SAP ).
2. Click on [Locate] on the main menu.
3. On the next menu, click on [Comets] (Number 2). This displays the Comet database.
4. Click on [Load Comet Elements] on the bottom of the menu. This brings up the [Download and Update Comet Orbital Elements] menu.

Alternative Method for Steps 1 to 4 (SAP Version 5.2+ onward); -

a. Right-click on a chart and select the [On-Line Data] Menu.
b. Select [Load Comet Elements] and proceed to Step 5.

5. Click on [Clean Comet Database] which removes current entries.

a. For those with the Advanced Edition of STAR Atlas:PRO, click on [ SAP / INET connect]. After a short wait, a message will appear informing you that the Comet Elements Loaded.

b. For those with the Standard Edition,
i. Click [Connect using Web Browser], this will start your web browser and automatically retrieve the required Comet Orbital Elements file from the Minor Planetary Centre.
ii. You must then choose File->Save As from your web browser and save the Comet Orbital Elements file as a text file. Then locate the file with the [...] button that appears on the STAR Atlas:PRO window.
iii. Select the [Process Elements file] button to process the new orbital elements.
iv. After a short wait, a message will appear informing you that the [Comet Elements Loaded].

6. Click OK
7. A Message will then appear asking you to [Proceed to Recalculate Comet Positions]. Click [Yes].
8. Finally, you can now click on [Map], and return to the desktop.
9. The end result is that you have an up to date Comet database!

How do I find the brightest Comets ?
To find the brightest Comet is simple!

1. Open STAR Atlas: PRO.
2. Click on [Locate] on the main menu.
3. On the next menu, click on [Comets] (Number 2). This brings up the Comet database.
4. If a list of Comets does not appear, click on [List] and a list of the 140 brightest Comets appears.
5. Click on [Visual Mag.] at the top and the Comet list is resorted in Order of Magnitude, with the brightest appearing at the top of the list.
6. Next, click on the Comet you are interested in and then [Select] or Double Click to select.
7. You will now return to the Comet Database. Click on [Map], which returns you to the desktop with the Comet of interest in the field. If the comet is below the horizon and SAP is in HORIZON MODE, then you will be notified to change to POLAR MODE.
8. A similar exercise can be performed for the (MPC Designation) and (Comet Name).

How do I plot the path of a Comet on a chart ?
This is easy and gives the viewer a great picture of the path on any chosen Comet.

1. Open STAR Atlas: PRO.
2. Click on [Locate] on the main menu.
3. On the next menu, click on [Comets] (Number 2). This brings up the Comet database.
4. To choose the Comet of interest, if the list of Comets is not in front of you, click [List].
5. Next, click on the Comet you are interested in.

6. Shortcut for Steps 1 - 5. More than often you wish to plot the path of a Comet that already appears on the SAP chart.
a. Right-click on the Comet;
b. Click [Identify] and the information page for the Comet is displayed.
c. Now you may proceed straight to Step 7.

7. Click on [Plot Path] on the bottom menu.
8. Click [Plot Comet Path] again on the next menu (bottom right).
9. Now a chart showing the path of the Comet you are interested in appears on the desktop.

Additional Information: Before proceeding with Step 7 you may configure over what time interval and what time span you wish to use for producing a Comet Ephemeris. As an example, suppose we wish the Comet Ephemeris to list the position of the Comet at 9:00PM Local Time every second night over a period of a 20 days. Then this is how it's done:-

6d. Enter the Local Time: Under [Plotting Options] place your cursor in the Local Time field. Using your left and right arrow keys on your keyboard position your cursor so that its in front of the time. Then type in 090000 ( for 09hrs 00min and 00 sec) and then press your Tab key twice to position your cursor in the [Interval between Plots] field.
6e. Since we wish to plot the Comet's position once every two days enter 2 and then press your Tab key again which brings you to the [Number of plots] field.
6f.  As we wish to plot the Comet's position over a period of 20 days enter 10 (this gives us 10 plots every 2 days spanning 20 days in all)

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