STAR Atlas:PRO frequently asked questions - FAQs
How do I find the location of a known celestial object, like Messier 42 ?
For Star Atlas:PRO this is easy. The following is a suggested technique for the happy user !
1. Open Star Atlas:PRO
2. Click on [Locate] on the main menu.
3. Add M42 to the [Object Designation] (top left).
4. Click [Find].
5. This takes you to the Catalogue Data for M42 (also NGC 1976 and the Great
Nebula in Orion).
6. Click on [Map] to see the object's location charted in Star Atlas:PRO.
7. You may wish to download a picture of this object see; FAQ �How
do I download pictures of objects that interest me�.�
8. Now try other menus within [Locate], for example
It is very simple to use a variety of the
menus under [Locate] to find objects of interest. Happy exploring.
by Ian Buttfield and Andrew Shelley
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